Support Group Resources (Substance Use Disorder, Grief & More)

Men’s grief group
Listing Title

Men's Grief Support Group is for all men who have experienced a death in their life and need support.

This group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 3:30 PM to 5 PM

Registration required, email or call (208) 772-7994 to register

Date Updated
Al-Anon – Global Electronic Meeting Groups

Electronic Al-Anon meetings are held online and over the phone. Electronic meeting formats include: Phone, Email, Chat, Blog, Bulletin Board, Instant Messaging (Skype, WhatsApp, Discord, etc.), Web Conferencing (Zoom, WebEx, etc.) and Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Use the link above to learn more and to find an electronic meeting

Alcoholic Anonymous
Listing Title

Visit our calendar for local meeting times and locations. Click the link below for calendar.

Celebrate Recovery
Listing Title

Every Monday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Come and join others in a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues controlling your life. Where together you can deal with life’s hurts, habits, and hang-ups.
Worship Center
307 Main St, Smelterville
Contact Rod U. 208-512-9492
For more information contact Rod at 530-354-8874 or Christopher at 208-659-7512

Grief Share
Listing Title

GriefShare is for people grieving the death of a family member or friend. You are welcome to begin attending the GriefShare group at any session. Each is “self-contained,” so you do not have to attend in sequence. You will find encouragement and help whenever you begin. You will be able to continue with GriefShare through the next 13-week cycle and view any of the videos you have not seen.
For more information contact Robin Gates at 208-290-7185.

708 North Division Street, Pinehurst, ID