Disability & Youth Resources
There are currently 3 Disability & Youth Resources in this directory beginning with the letter I.
Idaho Department of Education
Website: sde.idaho.gov/student-engagement/ilp/events-training.html
IYSPP provides numerous in-person and virtual suicide prevention trainings for both adults and youth. All trainings are available at no cost. Depending on funding and availability, IYSPP helps schools implement suicide prevention programs through its annual grant application process.
IYSPP provides numerous in-person and virtual suicide prevention trainings for both adults and youth. All trainings are available at no cost. Depending on funding and availability, IYSPP helps schools implement suicide prevention programs through its annual grant application process.
Idaho Parents Unlimited (IPUL)
Website: https://ipulidaho.org/
Idaho Parents Unlimited (IPUL) is a statewide organization offering education, health, and arts programs to support individuals with disabilities and their families. Their services include training on rights under the IDEA, assistance with healthcare choices, and inclusive arts opportunities. Visit their website to learn more and watch a video about their mission and programs.
Idaho Parents Unlimited (IPUL) is a statewide organization offering education, health, and arts programs to support individuals with disabilities and their families. Their services include training on rights under the IDEA, assistance with healthcare choices, and inclusive arts opportunities. Visit their website to learn more and watch a video about their mission and programs.
Idaho Youth Empowerment Program
Website: yes.idaho.gov/
Youth Empowerment Services (YES) is Idaho’s children’s mental health system of care that helps families access services and supports for their children under 18 with serious emotional disturbance (SED). The YES system of care also creates meaningful partnerships between families, youth, providers, and public agencies to address the youth’s specific needs and help them function better at home, in school, and in the community. If your child is aged 18-21, and is eligible for Medicaid, similar services are available through EPSDT.
LGBQIA2S+ – Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention for LGBTQUIA2S+ Youth, a resource guide for professionals, families and communities.
Youth Empowerment Services (YES) is Idaho’s children’s mental health system of care that helps families access services and supports for their children under 18 with serious emotional disturbance (SED). The YES system of care also creates meaningful partnerships between families, youth, providers, and public agencies to address the youth’s specific needs and help them function better at home, in school, and in the community. If your child is aged 18-21, and is eligible for Medicaid, similar services are available through EPSDT.
LGBQIA2S+ – Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention for LGBTQUIA2S+ Youth, a resource guide for professionals, families and communities.
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