Education, Employment & Scholarship Resources

There are currently 3 Education, Employment & Scholarship Resources in this directory beginning with the letter I.

Idaho Department of Labor Mobile Services
You can now access Idaho Department of Labor services in more rural communities throughout the state. More of what you need, when and where you need it. Find us at or stop by in person at the following location:
Idaho Department of Labor
@ Health and Welfare Kellogg Office

35 Wildcat Way, Kellogg, ID
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am-2pm.
Schedule an appointment or contact us for more information at 208-457-8789 ext. 3568 or email
Walk-in Services offered: Search job listings, find careers in demand with JobScape, file for unemployment insurance benefits, file a wage claim, get assistance with online job applications, talk to a career planner.
Appointments: Adult/youth education and training programs*, Tract Act Assistance*, veterans services, farmworkers services, resume and interview assistance. *Income and eligibility requirements apply.

Idaho Launch Grant
Website: Phone: 208-665-5099 or Email:
That process starts here. Retake control of your career with our online career and training research hub—Idaho LAUNCH. Discover employer needs, see regional employment snapshots, research training opportunities, and apply for training funds. New courses are added regularly so check back often.

Idaho Peer Support Specialist and family Support Partner Certification
Welcome to the Idaho Peer and Family Support Certification website! Becoming certified is easy as 1, 2, 3. Use the link above to learn more!

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